Invited speakers (2022)

  1. Fabrizio CONSOLI, ENEA, Italy “Ion diagnostics in laser plasma”
  2. Gabriele CRISTOFORETTI, Intense Laser Irradiation Laboratory, INO-CNR, Italy “LIBS: a powerful and versatile technique for the analytical characterization of materials”
  3. Mikhail GRYAZNEVICH, Tokamak Energy Ltd, UK “Fusion power plant of tomorrow”
  4. Marcin JAKUBOWSKI, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany “Physics of the island divertor at Wendelstein 7-X”
  5. Axel JARDIN, Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Cracow, Poland “X-ray tomography for impurity transport studies in tokamak plasmas”
  6. Yevgen KAZAKOV, Royal Military Academy, Belgium “Generation of energetic ions in multi-ion plasmas”
  7. Pavel KUBEŠ, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic “Physics of hot and dense plasma, especially in plasma-focus and z-pinches devices”
  8. Ewa ŁASZYŃSKA, IPPLM, Poland “Neutron diagnostics, calibration of neutron diagnostics at JET”
  9. Dariusz MAKOWSKI, TUL, Poland “Plasma diagnostics – Real-time Data Acquisition and Processing”
  10. Artur MALAQUIAS, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal “Challenges of Diagnostic Integration in DEMO”
  11. Hanna MARCHENKO, IPPLM, Poland “Damaging features of castellated tungsten targets exposed to repetitive QSPA plasma loads”
  12. Giorgi MELIKIDZE, University of Zielona Gora, Poland “Recent achievements in astrophysics”
  13. Joseph ONGENA, Royal Military Academy, Brussels, Belgium “The importance of fusion for future energy systems”
  14. John PASLEY, Department of Physics University of York, UK “Radiation hydrodynamics: phenomena and simulations”
  15. Ewa PAWELEC, Institute of Physics University of Opole, Poland “Molecular plasma spectroscopy in JET tokamak”
  16. Piotr RĄCZKA, IPPLM, Poland “On the nature of microwave pulses associated with high-power short-pulse laser interactions with matter and the possible mitigation methods”
  17. Sushil Kumar SINGH, IPP, Czech Republic “The experimental research carried out at the Prague Asterix Laser System (PALS)”
  18. Francisco SUZUKI-VIDAL, Imperial College London, UK “High energy density laboratory astrophysics”
  19. Victoria WINTERS, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany “Impurity transport studies in the W7-X Island Divertor”