Invited speakers

Invited speakers

  1. Birger Buttenschön, IPP Greifswald, Germany Impurity Spectroscopy in Wendelstein 7-X: From Measurement to Transport Investigations”
  2. Jakub Cikhardt, IPP, Czech Republic “Neutron and x-ray emission in Z-pinch and dense plasma focus”
  3. Mattia Cipriani, ENEA, Italy “High-power laser interaction with low-Z porous materials”
  4. Tonny Donné “Progress in European fusion research”
  5. Emilia Genangeli, EUROfusion “Science is not the only challenge. EUROfusion administrative tools and processes”
  6. Marcin Jakubowski, IPP Greifswald, Germany “Development of long pulse scenario at Wendelstein 7-X”
  7. Axel Jardin, IFJ PAN, Poland “X-ray tomography for impurity transport studies in tokamak plasmas”
  8. Yevgen Kazakov, Ecole Royale Militaire, Belgium “Synergistic fast-ion effects in magnetic fusion plasmas”
  9. Agnieszka Kulińska, IFJ PAN, Poland “Plasma focus Device and Fusion”
  10. Sushil Kumar, IPP Prague, Czech Republic “The experimental research carried out at the Prague Asterix Laser System (PALS)”
  11. Ernesto Lerche, Ecole Royale Militaire, Belgium “Overview of high performance D-T experiments in JET-ILW”
  12. Artur Malaquias, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal “Progress on Diagnostic Integration in DEMO”
  13. Daniele Margarone, ELI Beamlines Facility, Czech Republic “Laser Plasma based Nuclear Reactions and Applications”
  14. Ryutaro Matsui, Kyoto University, Japan “Methodology of controlling HED plasma by the interaction between a high-intensity laser and structured targets”
  15. Didier Mazon, CEA, France “Application of GEM detectors for fusion research”
  16. Jef Ongena, Royal Military Academy, Belgium “Fusion, an important option for our future energy supply”
  17. John Pasley, University of York, United Kingdom “Radiation hydrodynamics and related high temperature phenomena”
  18. Radomír Pánek, IPP, Czech Republic “Status of the COMPASS Upgrade tokamak”
  19. Simon Pinches, ITER, France “Status of ITER Diagnostic Modelling”
  20. João Jorge Santos, CELIA, France “Experimental studies of extended-MHD effects and confinement properties of magnetized cylindrical implosions”
  21. Tuomas Tala, Espoo, Finland “Particle Transport, Density Peaking and Isotope Scaling in Tokamaks”
  22. Thomas Trottenberg, Kiel University, Germany “Electric propulsion for spacecraft”
  23. Kevin Verhaegh, UK Atomic Energy Authority, United Kingdom “Exploring Alternative Divertor Configurations for Efficient Power
    Exhaust: the MAST Upgrade Super-X Divertor”
  24. Rosaria Villari, ENEA, Italy “Neutron diagnostics”
  25. Agnieszka Zaraś-Szydłowska, IPPLM, Poland “Optical methods for measuring laser-produced plasma parameters”