Organized by
Kudowa Summer School is a biennial event which mission is to provide high quality scientific lectures to students willing to start their careers in fusion and plasma physics research. It is traditionally organized by the Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion (IPPLM, Poland) and attracts participants from many countries.
In 2022, the School will be held in Kudowa-Zdrój, Poland, from 6 to 10th June and will cover a variety of topics interesting for all students involved in plasma physics research:
16th December: Abstracts submission open (abstract template is available HERE)
31th March: Deadline for abstract submission (extended)
8th April: Authors’ notification
25th April: Early registration deadline
6th June: Start of the School
The total fee, which includes full board, a lecture notes, lodging, social programme (welcome reception, excursion and official dinner) is PLN 2700. The reduced fee for early birds registration is PLN 2500. European students attending the Kudowa Summer School might be able to apply for funding through FuseNet ( Detailed information and the programme of the School including the timetable of lectures will be sent to applicants in due time. The conference papers will be published in Nukleonika journal.
The school fee should be paid by bank transfer to the following bank account:
Bank PEKAO S.A. Oddział Warszawa,
BIC code: PKOPPLPW, IBAN code:
PL 78 1240 6003 1111 0000 4944 6179,
Account Owner: IFPILM, Variable symbol: 16th Kudowa School.
The payment of the registration fee must be free of bank charges to the receiver, i.e. all bank charges for effecting the international money transfer must be met by the remitter, including those imposed by the beneficiary’s agents Bank Pekao SA. This must be explicitly stated when authorizing the international money transfer order. A copy of the money transfer should be sent by e-mail to:
The Polish scientific community issued a joint statement regarding the Russian aggression against Ukraine, condemning the attack on our neighbour and the use of violence against it, expressing full solidarity with the entire Ukrainian nation and support for Ukraine as a sovereign state. The Ministry of Education and Science in Poland ordered a suspension of institutional collaboration on research with all formal and institutional partnerships with educational and knowledge institutions in the Russian Federation and Belarus. This means that we cannot accept conference registrations from scientists affiliated to a Russian or Belarussian institution.
Every accepted presentation is invited to submit a paper that will be published in Nukleonika (
The manuscripts shall be send to till 31 of August 2022.
The template is available here:
Papers are limited to max. 16 pages.
Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion
Hery Street 23
01-497 Warsaw